September 2024 : Ein ergreifender Brief von Maria

    To all our dearest friends


    It is with great pleasure that I write this letter. First, we would like to thank everyone again for every contribution you have done so far towards making our dream and purpose in life a reality. The development of Eagles Nest would never have been where it is today have it not be for your kind and caring hearts of making the lives of so many underprivileged kids better.

    Maria Selwyn Steffi Thomas b 6f3ed


    It is really hard to explain to people what it means for us why we do the job that we do currently. I am going to try to do my upmost best to give you a glimpse into our hearts.

    Selwyn and I grew up very differently from each other, but both had challenges that no child should have growing up. One day we can tell you our stories. It was hard when we were children, but we believe that if it was not for our childhood trauma we would never be doing what we are doing today with so much love, empathy, compassion and drive to make a change.

    We got married and moved into a community such as we live in now. We lived in a one room house with our 2 children. We saw poverty and hopelessness every day around us. Since we were more educated than the people around us, we were able to do small things for our neighbours, like giving food or help in any way we can. I eventually started a job as a teacher at a kindergarten and Selwyn later joined me and we eventually moved in at our jobs as house parents of orphans. There we lived in a big house with 10 children, received salaries, cars, and food allowances. We lived a very privilege life for four years. We however never forgot about the people we left behind and the circumstances they still had to live in. The desire to go back and do more for our community and especially the children never went away. In those four years we learnt a lot about how to do community work, how to manage a school and a non-government organisation in all its aspects.

    Selwyn and I started to talk about leaving our jobs to follow our hearts desire and to start a school in the community. We realised that we can make a difference by providing quality education, by laying the right foundation in these children’s lives. We talked to our previous employers and they understood.

    We gave up everything and moved in with Selwyn’s parents into 1 room again, this time with 3 children and without jobs, cars or any income. After a year the local church offered their classrooms to us to start Eagle's Nest. At that time we were 7 people who started the organisation. Today it is only Selwyn and I who are still standing. The others could not afford to work for no income anymore and we did not blame them. It was extremely hard circumstances and we had to make a lot of sacrifices. At one point Selwyn and I was even alone with 50 kids and no extra help. We had to cook, teach, clean and do our administrative work all by ourselves. We are grateful for those days, because that was the time that we could set the standard for Eagle's Nest.

    Everyone who works for us today cannot tell us anything about any aspect of the organisation. We set the standard on how to teach, cook even cleaning the toilets. I am sure that it is evident in how the place is every time anyone visits.

    When you live a life of purpose you are not need driven, but purpose driven. No money or job in the world could ever make us feel more content and happy than the life we living now. We are fortunate to live and know our purpose in life. Many people live and do jobs to survive because they have no other choice. We are grateful to not be in their position. Of course managing Eagles Nest will not make us rich or enable us to live a lavish lifestyle. And sure everyone dreams of not having to worry about money and giving for your family everything they wants. Our hearts ache for our kids when we cannot give them everything they want, but they have everything they need. That is what we teach them.

    We rather them, have love, compassion be happy and live a meaningful life than have all the material things that money can buy. We are proud of our kids. They know what is important in life and they have good morals and character, they have compassion for other children and they know who they are and what they stand for. Our wish for them is that through our lives as parents that they will also follow their dreams and does everything they have to; even if it means that they have to make some sacrifices to achieve their goals.

    At this point our staff and especially our eldest daughter who teaches here have the same vision and drive as us, because we see the difference we make every day. We have many proud moments and the thought that we are part of something so great brings all of us much joy. Many people have asked us why we did not just find jobs when we were struggling financially in our early days. We then just smiled and said we are fine, because we knew what we are busy to establish and the dream to make the difference.

    Managing Eagle's Nest is our life, our purpose and our love. We are positive that we are making a change in these children’s lives. With the community centre in development we will now be able to walk the way with them from kindergarten until they are leaving school and even maybe going to university. We will be able to keep them off the streets and do so much more for them. I wish that I can express in words what I feel in my heart for this project. Unfortunately I am not able to. Hopefully through these words on paper you will get an idea of what Eagle's Nest and what it does mean to us. As it is a beacon of hope to the children in this community it is also a beacon of hope to Selwyn and I, that dreams do come true and with people such as all of you and Thomas and Steffi who share our vision and mission nothing is impossible.

    We are being the change in this world, might be a small part of the world, but we are doing what many others is not willing to do. With this we thank you for believing and trusting us to do this every day. We are happy and at peace within ourselves.

    Love Maria & Selwyn