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    Eagles Nest Community Center Project Description

    The initiative project „Eagle‘s Nest“ was about creating a „Happy Place“ for about 90 of the poorest children in the community. To give them at least a few hours a day of love, security, structure, carefree living, play, fun and healthy food, and thus hope. Hope for them and their guardians, who in many cases are not the parents at all. Hope that they will be able to successfully complete school and later escape the hopelessness and lack of prospects of the township.

    We already knew that the problems of the community and especially of the children are big. However, we only learned how big they really are in the course of time and through many visits on site.

    While it is beyond the scope of this article to report on individual cases, we would like to point out that most of us simply cannot imagine the conditions under which children are growing up in South African townships. These same conditions are particularly challenging for the elderly as well.

    The people are caught in a negative spiral of unemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction, neglect, violence, including against children, hunger, gang and acquisitive crime, prostitution or AIDS. Unwanted pregnancies of girls, some of them very young, are also part of the daily routine.

    In our view, there is only one way to get out of this abyss, and that is education and social cohesion in an appropriate environment. Then the people there will have a new perspective.

    This also requires a corresponding space for beautiful encounters for children, parents and the often-forgotten elderly people in Grabouw.

    We would like to create this space together with you: „Eagle‘s Nest Community Centre“

    More details about the Eagle‘s Nest Community Centre project can be found in the project brochure below.

    To enlarge the brochure, click the TOGGLE FULL SCREEN icon fullscreen d5576 below.